Thursday, June 28, 2012

Diablo 3

I was very excited when I heard the release date for the game I have waited for longer then any other, Diablo 3. I dint have to think that long and I was already pre-ordering it. Then the infamous day came and I started it up and ran into the first boss, error 37. I tried and tried all day and finally got in that evening.

I love this game and I know launches are not perfect ever. I didn't mind much I had other things to do and it was the first day out of how many I would be able to play.


First I really like what they are trying to do with their battlenet. I don't always like just sitting alone playing a game. It also makes it easier to play with others and make new friends. It was a pain some times getting a peer to peer game up. Now I get why so many people are upset that there is no offline mode. You paid for a single player game and you can't play it. You knew it was going to be like this from the start and they didn't pull the wool over your eyes. That being said they could have done what Diablo 2 did with closed and open charactors so that if you just wanted to play offline or something happens and your Internet goes out you can atleast still play. I hate cheating and hacking and that's another reason they decided to go this route. I mean if your just going to hack and cheat why did you even get the game.

Auction house:

I think the auction house is a good thing to have implemented. Myself has had to go out and buy a new weapon because what I had sucked so much. It also serves as a central for commerce where you know your not going to be a victim of something. There are bugs,seriuous bugs, that need to be worked out. Just recently my brother had his entire auction house stash and auctions disappear. I've even heard of this happening on the real money auction house which is even worse. Speaking of which I think that is another way to fight the gold selling and spamming. Also if you played World of Warcraft this could be another way to pay for your subscription or save to buy and game or expansion which is pretty nice.


The story in my opinion is pretty good. I didn't expect the new butcher or to even see Diablo. I liked how long the acts were except for act 2 it seemed short but it might have been that I wanted to get away from those bugs. The twist was a little un expected but nice and the ending leaves it open. Perhaps Adria will find the black soul stone or another poor soul. What about the world stone how did that change the world and what's with the jeweler, is he really the God of greed?


The gameplay is pretty much typical hack n slash like its predicessors. Having random little quests or npcs that are not always there makes it a little refreshing each time,only a little. It would be nice to have more dungeons to wade through or larger ones. The difficulty could use work. You can go from 1-60 pretty easy,save some bosses depending on your class, then you hit inferno and your knocked on your arse. The elites with inhumane ability combinations kill the enjoyment. Hard is one thing but to out right kill you over and over again. Now with an even higher repair bill Ill stay on hell mode. The crafting is pretty nice as it replaced the gambling from Diablo 2. You get a little more consistency on what you want to get/find.


At first I loved the way the skills were. Simple yet room for many combinations. Some skills, speaking as a witch doctor, be came useless the higher you got. The pets were just crushed especially the dogs. There wasn't much work you hand to put in. Now on the other hand I would rather have the skill point system they had in Diablo 2 or in addition to the current one. It would allow more diverse builds and have something for those at the end game.


I don't see why people have complianed about the graphics. It good art design and color. They want people to play it on lower end systems. Its perfectly dark in areas where it needs to be.

  • I would like to see the other classes from Diablo 2 like the Necromancer and Druid.
  • A switch to a skill based system or addition.
  • Some kind of offline mode. I would hate wanting to play but I don't have the Internet.

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